1. Welcome & Mission Statement

"A New Path to Healing for Adopted Families"

Brief introduction to The Life Quest Foundation and its mission to provide scholarships and support for families dealing with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD).

Strong, heartfelt opening message to inspire hope and engage visitors.

2. Understanding RAD

"What Is Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and what do the expert say?"

Explanation of RAD, its causes, and its effects on children and families

.Include impactful statistics about adoption and the prevalence of RAD in the U.S.

3. The Challenges of RAD

"The Invisible Battle Families Face"

Highlight the emotional, financial, and relational challenges RAD imposes on families.

Share personal stories or quotes from families dealing with RAD for emotional resonance.

4. Why Boarding School Placement Matters

"Why Distance Can Heal"

Explain how out-of-home placement helps children with RAD find stability and emotional regulation.

Share insights into why this approach works, countering common misconceptions.

5. The Life Quest Solution

"A Scholarship, A Lifeline"

Introduce The Life Quest Foundation's scholarship program.

Detail how these scholarships enable families to access necessary treatment and education for their children without financial ruin.

6. Stories of Impact

"Families Saved, Futures Restored"

Showcase testimonials or success stories from families and children who have benefited from Life Quest scholarships.

Include photos (if permissions allow) and quotes to humanize the foundation’s impact.

7. Meet the Founders

"The Heart Behind the Mission"

Introduce Monte and Rachael Hawkins, their story, and how Life Quest Girls Academy evolved into a sanctuary for families in crisis.

Share their vision for the future of the foundation.

8. The Need for Support

"Why Your Help Matters"

Present the financial reality of RAD treatment and the systemic gaps families face.

Highlight statistics or case studies showing the broader societal benefits of keeping families intact.

9. Get Involved

"Be a Part of the Solution"

Provide clear pathways for donors, volunteers, and partners to contribute.

Offer options for one-time donations, recurring contributions, or sponsoring a child.

10. Contact & Call to Action

"Take the First Step Toward Healing"

Include contact information, an embedded form for donations or inquiries, and a compelling closing call-to-action to encourage immediate engagement.

Example: “Join us in giving every child a chance to heal and every family a chance to stay together.”

Empowering adopted young women today with confidence, education, and life skills they need to thrive and be successful.

Welcome to The Life Quest Foundation

Young women all over America Struggle with developmental trauma and mental health issues with little to no resources to pursue alternative education and the resources they need to develop cruicial life skills and healthy relationships.


Why Donate?

These remarkable young women are the strong women of the future. They are doing all they can to step into their roles as the heroes of their own stories. Historically underserved and often overlooked, we are now committed to help them claim the support they rightfully deserve. With the right tools and resources, these young girls can heal, thrive, and achieve their dreams. By empowering them today, we can help unlock their full potential and help them create a brighter future.

WE ARE LIVING PROOF that individuals and their families who are burdened with the traumas that frequently accompany adoption can get help. There is hope!!

Your donation will have the option to help Life Quest Girls Academy:

  • provide scholarships to underprivileged and underserved young women

  • provide staffing and other resources

  • and/or contribute to the ongoing efforts to improve the physical facility.

Your Donation

  • A gift to the Scholarship Fund allows Life Quest Girls Academy to reduce the tuition for individual students based on an assessment of family need.

  • A gift to Life Quest Girls Academy provides staffing and other resources to support its core mission of education, life skills, healthy relationships, and enrichment activities.

  • A capital gift provides support for Life Quest Girls Academy’s ongoing efforts to maintain and improve its physical facility.  A significant gift in the range of $400,000-500,000 would allow Life Quest to expand the physical size of the existing school.


What is Life Quest Girls Academy?

Life Quest Girls Academy is a non-profit boarding school for girls located in Parowan, Utah funded directly by The Life Quest Foundation, which is focussed on assisting families to be able to afford tuition costs.

Life Quest Girls Academy takes a different approach when it comes to helping students succeed as they experience out of home placement.

Life Quest Girls Academy offers short, or long term options for families considering out of home placement for their daughter. As families navigate difficult and sometimes dangerous situations within their own homes and family dynamics, Life Quest Girls Academy becomes a welcoming, relieving, and even affordable option for many families seeking help. Through the help of The Life Quest Foundation and the many generous donors who truly care about helping, a brighter future becomes a reality for girls dealing with attachment issues towards their adopted families.

Attaching to one’s adopted family can be a difficult road to be on. Life Quest is dedicated to helping as many families as possible be safe and able to love their daughter from a distance through proper and safe out of home placement.

Life Quest Girls Academy is not a troubled girls home. Their focus is not on behavior modification practices, or advancing through “levels” or completing a “program”. Rather, the focus is threefold…

1. Individual Academics

2. Life Skills Attainment

3. Healthy Relationships

What is the Life Quest Girls Academy Triad?

Life Quest Girls Academy approaches the life of a student with a long-term view,

centered around the triad of education, life skills, and halthy relationships.

1. Individualized Education

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." — Nelson Mandela

Most, if not all students who enroll at Life Quest Girls Academy, have experienced childhood trauma that directly affects their ability to succeed in school. Many times, individual academic struggles result in not earning a high school diploma that in turn results in difficulty in securing adequate employment as an adult, in living below the poverty line with some dependence on “the system”, and enmeshed in a generational pattern that gets repeated. 

Students who enroll at Life Quest Girls Academy bring with them various stages of educational accomplishment and proficiency. The number one priority of our professionally trained staff is to provide each student, no matter where she is in her educational journey, realistic opportunities to excel to the point where earning a high school diploma becomes a reality. We meet her where she is, academically speaking.

Our dedicated staff work in close proximity with each student on a daily basis to make sure they have the help and guidance needed to advance in a timely manner towards their next grade level and ultimately towards high school graduation. Tutoring each student at their level helps them feel comfortable in our academic setting and gives them hope to reach their educational goals.

2. Life Skills

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn. — Benjamin Franklin

Throughout a lifetime, being able to apply and implement relevant life skills to one’s actual life is a key ingredient for anyone to be successful. Prior to our students entering adulthood, Life Quest equips them with the necessary tools and knowledge they need to navigate the real world. 

Each student participates in the Life Skills Practicum that allows students in a safe, controlled environment to practice and re-practice specific life skills that are relevant. 

The life skills practicum focuses on a range of skills from basic cooking and cleaning skills to managing money to changing a car tire to learning to act with integrity and honesty. 

In addition to the actual Life Skills Practicum, students are expected to implement some of these skills daily as they do their own laundry, clean up after themselves, resolve conflict with peers, communicate with parents and family, and engage in the community around them. These skills truly prepare students for life as adults and give them the confidence they need to develop and grow as individuals. 

As students gain life skills, they are also encouraged and expected to develop talents and interests and use these skills to make the world around them a better place. When students reach a certain benchmark in their progress and life skills journey, the door then opens for them to explore and pursue off campus certifications that align with their interests and skills. Such certifications include, but are not limited to Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Phlebotomy, First Aid and CPR, Culinary Arts, Welding, Software Development, Information Technology, and Pharmacy Technician. 

3. Healthy Relationships

It has often been said that relationships are the currency of life. In the words of Daniel Gilbert, professor of psychology at Harvard University: 

“Social relationships are a powerful predictor of happiness- much more so than money. Happy people have extensive social networks and good relationships with people in those networks.”

Because it is common for most of our students to have experienced developmental trauma, it is natural for their relationships to have suffered along the way. At Life Quest, being a trauma-informed staff allows us to understand the difficult path that each student has walked and how that path often includes the intentional and unintentional actions of pushing people away, running from nurturing environments, and relying on manipulation rather than healthy relationships to get a desired outcome. 

The Life Quest staff plays a vital role in helping students begin to navigate and develop healthy relationships. These relationships are developed and maintained daily with peers and staff. Students are guided through appropriate conversations, social interactions, occasional conflicts, and our staff provides a nurturing environment where they are not just trauma informed but are trained to play an important role in each student’s emotional and social growth.

Who we Help

We believe that if we can help one child with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), we are helping an entire family. Nobody likes to talk about the pain that can, and often does, exist with adoptions. Just because it isn't always pretty, doesn't mean it is unworthy of our attention. If anything, it is more worthy of our help and compassion.

Adopted children who suffer from the effects of RAD carry deep rooted trauma, thus placing them in a very vulnerable population where they are far more susceptible to emotional turmoil and low self worth. These risk factors can result in seeking out harmful environments while rejecting the nurturing and love they so desperately need and deserve. They seek it elsewhere, in unhealthy dynamics, and superficial displays of love.

Our focus directly helps adopted girls by giving them the space they need emotionally, physically, and mentally, in order to develop themselves, their relationships, and their futures in a healthy and productive way. By doing so, we also directly help their adopted families, siblings, and extended families by providing opportunities for each family to grow together with time and comfortable connection in a safe environment.

These scholarships are available to teenage girls because they are often the victims of sexual, emotional, and physical abuse. They are vastly underprivileged, yet they also have the most beautiful potential. We believe that when a woman can find healing and self discovery, it not only positively transforms her own future, but future families and generations to come. Join us in making a meaningful difference for families in need. Through donations, partnerships, or simply spreading the word, you can help give families and their daughters the opportunity to heal and grow. Contact us today to learn how you can contribute.

About Us

Founded in 2022 by Monte and Rachael Hawkins, owners of Life Quest Girls Academy, The Life Quest Foundation is dedicated to supporting families navigating the challenges of adoption. When unforeseen difficulties arise, families often need crucial and life saving resources to love and care for their adopted daughters. These amazing parents and families are not only faced with the heart breaking challenge of having to love their adopted children in a way that is comfortable and safe for their child, but are also left without the resources to do so. Our mission is to provide financial scholarships that allow these adopted daughters to attend Life Quest Girls Academy, where they can find peace in their relationships, focus on their education and life skills, but more importantly, do so in a safe, structured environment that allows everyone in the family to heal so that relinquishment never has to become a reality.

If you a parent looking for immediate help for your daughter? Click Here

Copyright 2025. Life Quest Girls Academy.

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